Within our county there are now several "Republican clubs" (PACs). The real purpose of these is to divert funds from the Republican Party to be used for purposes more beneficial to the Club owners than an actual Get Out the Vote effort. Some of the donors/sponsor include names like Charlie Riley, Mark Keough, Cecil Bell Jr., Robert Walker, James Noack, and Dan Crenshaw. For a more detailed listing, see below.*
The Montgomery County Republican Party Chairman, Bryan Christ, and his cabal have raised tens of thousands of dollars for these clubs while doing little to nothing for the actual county Republican Party. He has been “at odds” with the majority of the elected precinct chairs for over a year. This week after the GOP State Chairman Matt Rinaldi called a meeting to be held at the party's majority location**, Bryan, most likely using YOUR funds*, took legal action against legitimate, volunteer precinct chairs who would not bend to his will! These well meaning citizens will have to use hard earned savings to defend against an ego driven, frivolous lawsuit because he and his minority faction (confirmed in their own Minutes) will not abide by the Republican By-Laws and GOP State Chairman Rinaldi specific instructions. This is what's meant by Lawfare!
To those listed as donors/sponsors, if your conscience is stirred by the injustice inflicted on these innocent, well meaning precinct chairs, we would ask you to do a few things: First, please seriously reconsider why you are funding these abusive practices against your friends and constituents. Second, if you are an attorney, consider offering pro bono services for these conservative activists and reach out to them directly to offer your services.*** Third, consider offering financial aid to these folks who are being punished for trying to serve our community as precinct chairs.**** Or click on this link to directly contribute to their legal fund, reference = MoCo Precinct Chairs.
“All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”
Don't do nothing when you have the capacity to do something! It's not too late to tell Bryan to stop the legal assault on our Precinct Chairs!
Reference Links noted above:
****Impacted Precinct Chairs:
Bob Bagley, Caleb Smith, Lauren Vickers, Bill Philibert, Jim Doyle, Mariann Siegert, Gwen Withrow, Steven Foster, Susan Love, Brigeta Millen, Mara Wasar, Mary Lewis, Sherry Tavel, Stephanie Cox, Stephanie Schwantes, Lonna Hord, Jackie Williams, and Patrick Teich